Current Research
The grazing ecology & management project includes ranch-scale and multi-county assessments to determine best practices for rangeland management. The team works to regenerate soil health and ecosystem function in North American grazing ecosystems.
Project objectives:
- Determine the extent that grazing strategies influence key ecosystem services.The team takes into account soil carbon sequestration, soil fertility and stability, water quality, net primary and secondary production, and economic viability of working ranches that contribute to the retention of open space and rural community health in the South Plains.
- Determine the extent that different grazing management strategies can be used by livestock producers to restore soil health, ecosystem function, and to mitigate and adapt to alternative climate change scenarios.
- well-managed AMP grazing ranches in Henrietta, TX
- Creek in Henrietta Texas
Adaptive Multi-Paddock
Can Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) grazing contribute to sequestering carbon in soils and improve delivery of ecosystem services and socio-ecological resilience in grazing ecosystems?
Modules Involved in Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) Project
Module | Module Name | Metrics |
1 | Soil carbon and water | Soil organic carbon, water infiltration |
2 | Greenhouse gas emissions from soil & enteric fermentation | GHG emissions and uptake (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) |
3 | Vegetation | Plant cover, litter, nutrition, biomass and species |
4 | Soil microbiology | Soil respiration, fungi, bacteria, soil glycoproteins, aggregates |
5 | Arthropods | Biodiversity, pest management, pollination services, dung recycling |
6 | Grassland birds | Biodiversity, breeding density, spatial |
7 | Livestock well-being | Movement, mood, land, water, shade access, forage cover |
8 | Farmer/farmer well-being | Income, social networks, perceptions |
9 | Resilience | Trade-offs, thresholds, response to change |
10 | Life cycle analysis | Flows of energy, materials, and nutrients |
11 | Simulation modeling | Scenario testing, geospatial distribution, climate mitigation benefits |
12 | Film and communications | Communication of research data to a wide and diverse audience |
Richard Teague, PhD

Texas A&M University Grassland/Grazing Scientist.
Teague works to understand grazing practices, to help design the field soil sampling efforts, and contributes to overseeing QA/QC in the field effort, data analysis, and contribute to reporting.
Team Members
- Steve Dowhower, Senior Research Associate
Project Management (Carbon Nation)
- Peter Byck: President of Carbon Nation and lead for module 12.
- Henk Mooiweer, PhD: Project Director.
Science Team
- Richard Teague, PhD: Principal investigator for the project.
- Steve Apfelbaum: Lead for Modules 1 and 3.
- Kim Chapman: Lead for Module 6.
- Russ Conser: Key consultant for general project requirements and expertise on grazing business
- M. Francesca Cotrufo, PhD: Co-lead for Module 2.
- Jennifer Hodbod, PhD: Co-lead for Module 8 and lead for Module 9.
- David Johnson, PhD: Co-lead for Module 4.
- Urs Kreuter, PhD: Co-lead for Module 8.
- Michael Lehman, PhD: Co-lead for Module 4.
- Jonathan Lundgren, PhD: Lead for Module 5.
- Jason Rowntree, PhD: Co-principal investigator and co-lead for Modules 2 and 7.
- Wendy Taheri, PhD: Co-lead for Module 4.
- Ry Thompson: Field manager for Modules 1 and 3.
- Allen Williams, PhD: Co-lead for Module 7.
Dowhower, S., Teague, W.R., Casey, K.D., Daniela, R. 2019. Soil greenhouse gas emissions as impacted by soil moisture and temperature under continuous and holistic planned grazing in native tallgrass prairie. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 287, 106647.
Hillenbrand, M., Thompson, R., Wang, F., Apfelbaum, S., Teague, R. 2019. Impacts of holistic planned grazing with bison compared to continuous grazing with cattle in South Dakota shortgrass prairie. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 279, 156-322.
Teague WR., DeLaune, P.B., Dowhower, SL. 2019. Impacts of over-seeding bermudagrass pasture with multispecies cover crops on soil water availability, microbiology, and nutrient status in North Texas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 273, 117–129.
Wang, T., Teague, R., Park, S., Bevers, S. 2018. Evaluating long-term economic and ecological consequences of continuous and multi-paddock grazing – a modeling approach. Agricultural Systems 165, 197-207.
Click to see a complete list of publications…
2018. Teague, W.R. Forages and pastures symposium: cover crops in livestock production: whole-system approach: Managing grazing to restore soil health and farm livelihoods. Journal of Animal Science 96:1519–1530. doi: 10.1093/jas/skx060
2017. Teague W.R. and M. Barnes. Grazing management that regenerates ecosystem function and grazingland Livelihoods. African Journal of Range & Forage ScienceAfrican Journal of Range & Forage Science, 34: 77–86.
2017. Dowhower S. and Teague R. Spatial Patterns in a Prosopis – Juniperus Savannah. Texas Journal of Natural Resources 30: 53-67.
2017. Park, J., S. Ale, and W. R. Teague. 2016. Simulated water quality effects of alternate grazing management practices at the ranch and watershed scales. Ecological Modeling 360:1-13.
2017. Park, J. Y., S. Ale, W. R. Teague, and J. Jeong. 2016. Evaluating the ranch and watershed scale impacts of using traditional and adaptive multi-paddock grazing on runoff, sediment, and nutrient losses in North Texas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 240:32-44.
2017. Becker, W., U. Kreuter, S. Atkinson, and W. R. Teague. 2017. Whole-ranch unit analysis of multi-paddock grazing on rangeland sustainability in North Central Texas. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 70:448-455.
2017. Park, J., S. Ale, W. R. Teague, and S. L. Dowhower. Simulating hydrologic responses to alternate grazing management practices at the ranch and watershed scales. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72: 102-121.
2016. Rowntree, J. E., R. Ryals, M. DeLonge, W. R. Teague, M. Chiavegato, P. Byck, T. Wang, and S. Xu. 2016. Potential mitigation of Midwest grass-finished beef production emissions with soil carbon sequestration. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture, and Society 4:31-38.
2016. Wang, T., W. R. Teague, and S.C. Park. Evaluation of Continuous and Multipaddock Grazing on Vegetation and Livestock Performance—a Modeling Approach. Rangeland Ecology and Management 69:457-464.
2016. Teague, W.R., S. Apfelbaum, R. Lal, U. P. Kreuter, J. Rowntree, C. A. Davies, R. Conser, M. Rasmussen, J. Hatfield, T. Wang, F. Wang, P. Byck.The role of ruminants in reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint in North America. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72:156-164.
2016. Teague, W. R., S. L. Dowhower, and S.A. Baker. Herbaceous diversity and composition in mixed Juniperus pinchotii –Prosopis glandulosa communities in Southern Mixed-Grass Prairie. Arid Land Research and Management 30(3):290-303.
2016. Teague, Richard. Bridging the Research Management Gap to Restore Ecosystem Function and Social Resilience. In: Global Soil Security, Eds. Damien J. Field, Christine L.S. Morgan, Alex B McBratney, Progress in Soil Science Series, Springer, Cham, Switzerland. pp 341-350.
2016. Teague, W. R., S. L. Dowhower, and S.A. Baker. Competition between palatable and unpalatable prairie grasses under selective and non-selective herbivory in semi-arid grassland. Arid Land Research and Management 30(3):330-343.
2016. Solis, H. D., W. E. Grant, M. M. Kothmann, W. R. Teague, F. P. Pellat, and M. B. Gonzalez. Strategies to reducing GHG emissions in semi-arid rangelands of Mexico. Terra Latinoamericana. 34:73-81.
2015. Wang, T., Teague, W.R., Park, S.C., Bevers, S. GHG mitigation potential of different grazing strategies in the United States Southern Great Plains. Sustainability 7:13500-13521.
2015. Teague, W.R. Toward restoration of ecosystem function and livelihoods on grazed agroecosystems. Crop Science 55:1-7.
2015. Teague, R., Grant, W., Wang, H. 2014. Assessing optimal configurations of multi-paddock grazing strategies in tallgrass prairie using a simulation model. Journal of Environmental Management 150:262-273.
2013. Wang, T., S.C. Park, S. Bevers, R. Teague, and J. Cho. 2013. Factors affecting Cow-Calf Herd Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 38(3):435–456
2013. Teague, W.R., Dowhower, S.D., Ansley, A.J., Baker. S., Waggoner, J.A., Ransom, D.R. 2013. Influence of increasing Prosopis glandulosa on herbaceous diversity and composition on two soils in southern mixed-grass prairie. Arid Land Research and Management 28:216-231.
2013. Norton, B.E., Barnes, M., Teague, R. Grazing management can improve livestock distribution. Rangelands 35:45-51.
2013. Provenza, F., Pringle, H., Revell, D., Bray, N., Hines, C., Teague, R., Steffens, T., Barnes, M. Complex Creative Systems: Principles, Processes, and Practices of Transformation. Rangelands 35: 6-13.
2013. Teague, W.R., Provenza, F., Kreuter, U.P., Steffens, T., Barnes, M. Multi-paddock grazing on rangelands: Why the perceptual dichotomy between research results and rancher experience? Journal of Environmental Management 128:699-717.
2012. Van Liew, D., Conner, J.R., Kreuter, U.P., Teague, W.R. An Economic Comparison of Prescribed Extreme Fire and Alternative Methods for Managing Invasive Brush Species in Texas: a Modeling Approach. The Open Agriculture Journal 6:17-26.
2011. Teague, W.R., Dowhower, S.L., Baker, S.A, Haile, N., DeLaune, P.B, Conover, D.M. Grazing management impacts on vegetation, soil biota and soil chemical, physical and hydrological properties in tall grass prairie. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 141:310-22.
2010. Teague, W.R., S.L. Dowhower, S.A. Baker, R.J. Ansley, U.P. Kreuter, D.M. Conover, J.A. Waggoner. Soil and herbaceous plant responses to summer patch burns under continuous and rotational grazing. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 137:113–123.
Teague, W., Kreuter, U., Grant, W., Diaz-Solis, H., Kothmann, M., 2009. Economic implications of maintaining rangeland ecosystem health in a semi-arid savanna. Ecological Economics 68, 1417-1429.
2008. Teague, W.R., W. E. Grant, U. P. Kreuter, H. Diaz-Solis, S. Dube, M.M. Kothmann, W. E. Pinchak, R.J. Ansley. An ecological economic simulation model for assessing fire and grazing management effects on mesquite rangelands in Texas. Ecological Economics 64:612-625.
2008.Teague, W.R., S.E. Duke, J.A. Waggoner, S.L. Dowhower, S.A. Gerrard. Rangeland Vegetation and Soil Response to Summer Patch Fires under Continuous Grazing. Arid Land Research and Management 22:228-241.
2008.Teague, W.R., R. J. Ansley, W.E. Pinchak, S.L. Dowhower, S.A. Gerrard, J. A. Waggoner. Interannual herbaceous biomass response to increasing honey mesquite cover on two soils. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61:496-508.
2004. Teague, W.R., S.L. Dowhower and J.A. Waggoner. Drought and grazing patch dynamics under different grazing management. Journal of Arid Environments 58:97-117.
2004. Teague, W.R. and J. K. Foy. Can the SPUR rangeland simulation model enhance understanding of field experiments? Arid Land Research and Management 18:217-228.
2002. Teague, W.R. and J. K. Foy. Validation of SPUR2.4 Range Simulation Model Using a Cow-Calf Field Experiment. Agricultural Systems 74:287-302.
2001. Teague, W.R. and S.L. Dowhower. Do life history traits predict response to defoliation in co-occurring prairie grasses? Applied Vegetation Science 4:267-276.
2001. Teague, W.R. and S.L. Dowhower, S.G. Whisenant and E. Flores-Ancira. Mesquite and grass interference with establishing juniper seedlings. Journal of Range Management 54:680-684.
2001.Teague, W. R., R.J. Ansley, U.P. Kreuter, W.E. Pinchak and J.M. McGrann. Economics of managing mesquite in north Texas: a sensitivity analysis. Journal of Range Management 54:553-560.
1999. Teague, W.R., J. K. Foy, S.L. Dowhower and B.T. Cross. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes following root-plowing of rangeland. Journal of Range Management 52:666-670.
1999. Foy, J.K., W.R. Teague, and J.D. Hanson. Evaluation of the upgraded SPUR model (SPUR2.4). Ecological Modelling 118:149-165.
1996. Teague, W.R. A research framework to achieve sustainable use of rangeland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 57:91-102.