Texas 4-H is a youth development program that builds citizenship, leadership, life skills, and responsibility. 4-H is open to all youth at least 8 years of age and in grades 3-12. The K-2 program is called Clover Kids.
Studies have shown that 4-H youth from grades 7-12 are 4 times more likely to contribute to their communities than their peers not in 4-H.
District 3 4-H is made up of about 3,200 youth from 24 counties in the Rolling Plains district of Texas. To learn more about 4-H opportunities in the district, visit the district 4-H website or contact Seth Hall at Seth.Hall@ag.tamu.edu
Agriculture & Natural Resources activities in District 3
- Livestock Skill-A-Thon
- Livestock judging
- Range & pasture ID
- Horse judging
- Meats judging
- Beef quiz bowl
- Horse quiz bowl
- Horse show
- Ag ID
- Rifle, shotgun, and archery match
Family & Community Health activities in District 3
- Consumer decision making
- Nutrition quiz bowl
- Food show
- Food challenge
- Fashion show
- Fashion storyboard contest
- Duds to Dazzle content
Leadership, Public Speaking, and Expressive Arts
- Educational presentations
- Public speaking
- Share the Fun (performing arts contest)
- Photography
- Recordbooks
- District Officer Workshop
- Leadership Lab