Research > Wheat Breeding


Current Research

The wheat breeding program works to design wheat varieties that can be adapted for different regions and management programs in Texas. Through breeding improvements and better management practices, wheat yield has increased from 20 bushels per acre in the 1960s to 30 bushels per acre today.

The wheat breeding program in Vernon is run in conjunction with Dr. Jackie Rudd’s team in Amarillo, TX. To learn more about the wheat breeding program, visit the Amarillo website.

Dr. Rudd led the development of the following varieties:

  • 8 hard red spring wheat cultivars (Russ, Oxen, Forge, Ingot, Ember, Walworth, and Briggs)
  • 8 hard red winter wheat cultivars (TAM 112, TAM 113, TAM, 114, TAM 203, TAM 204, TAM 303, TAM 304, and TAM 401)
  • 2 triticale cultivars (TAMCale 5019 and TAMCale 6331)

Jackie Rudd, Ph.D.

bio photo of Jackie Rudd

Regents Professor

Dr. Jackie C. Rudd is project leader of the hard winter wheat breeding program for the High Plains and Rolling Plains of Texas. He manages the cultivar development project and conducts research relevant to wheat genetic improvement. Dr. Rudd is based out of Amarillo, TX.


  • Grant #1